
Now for the 2021 school year!

Looking for a way for your children to socialize during their remote learning in a safe and fun way?
Our Summer Rock Camp was such a success that we’re modifying it to fit the needs of parents whose kids are on blended or fully remote schedules.
Note: We are following these guidelines from the State Department of Health to keep everyone safe & healthy.

We are running full-day, half-day and after-school programs that will mix music education, outdoor time, and school screen-learning assistance in a small group. Sign up for one day/week or all five!

Full Day Program
8:00-9:00am Drop off. School day begins at various times for different schools.
Students will work on their remote learning in small spaced-out groups, supervised by our staff. Lunch/snack/break times will be outside if possible.

Half Day Program
1:00-2:00 Drop off/snack/down time
2:00pm Students will mix outdoor/snack time, Rock Camp and supervised homework time.

After School Program
3:00-5:00 Rock camp! Students will break up into small ensembles and play guitar/drums/keys/voice. They’ll work on a set to be performed in a live online concert at the end of the year!

Pickup is available fromPS84 if/when students are in-person.
Students will be responsible for supplying their own food and drinks.

Cost Breakdown
Full Day:
$100/day. $80/day if signed up for more than one day or for siblings.
Half Day: $60/day. $50/day if signed up for more than one day or for siblings.
After School: $25/day

We have three billing periods - Sept-Dec, Jan-Mar and Apr-June.
A full prorated refund will be given to anyone who pulls their student from the program, minus one week.
Students can switch days and/or add time if we have the space.
There are no makeups for missed classes.

No programs are currently scheduled on the following days as per the NYC Schools Calendar but we may add them if there is enough interest:
Mon Jan 18 Martin Luther King Jr Day
Fri Feb 12 Lunar New Year
Mon-Fri Feb 15-19 Mid Winter Break
Mon-Fri Mar 19-April 2 Spring Break
Thu May 13 Eid
Mon May 31 Memorial Day
